10th February 2017 - The Station, Ashton-U-Lyne

A request came from the top gent and drummer of Seep Away (Dom Smith) for me to try and make an attempt and watch his band open a 3 bander at this fairly local, and much frequented, gaff. The week, as per, had been crammed and the weekend was looking the same with some painting needing doing, a football match on the cards, some cycling, a trip out to do some wildlifing, the usual reviews and a visit to an art gallery all on the compacted 'To Do' list. Juggling and jiving created a gap, my good lady decided to escort me down and watch this fine band and, out of belief, passion and kind spirit, I knocked up the following review.

The band took to the floor soon after we arrived (perfect timing) and set about their task on this chilled February night. 3 blokes, 1 bird in the band and no crowd - it is all DIY and about putting your arse in gear despite the lack of punters. The set began with a sub-sound check and an appropriately entitled song known as 'Awkward Handjob' came. A creeping hauntedness pervaded with the irregularity wanking in unison with the angularity and making for a jarring but gratifying initial tune tug. The follow-up rose in chug factor, riffs became suddenly raped and a strength was exposed from realms of counterpunching efficiency. I liked the switch and when a solid pulse intrigued one further and the brief infernal pleasantries were cast aside an overwhelming drama of discordance shook the bowels to bloody mush. Hollers came and finalised - nice work indeed! A roar fest chased, a vocal switch was crucial and as the set progressed bold liquid lava was splashed with 'Again' proving to be the best song of the opening batch that saw guitars strings molested, drums clattered and the first blood tinted beads of sweat manifest themselves. This was a hefty set of many facets and sub-generic flavours and as progress was made so my levels of involvement grew. The next searing pinnacle was a ditty known as 'Snakes', a scorched and writhing serpent of sound with essential flick tail spite to keep you on your guard. A stand out tear up for sure that still has many skins to shred and evolve into something even more momentous. Worth considering methinks! 'Lovin' U' was a raucous cover that raised several smiles, all delivered with a forked tongue in the throbbing arse cheek no less. A crowd titillator that was both hard, idiotic and good wholesome fun. The end came, an extended bout slapped down on the set list as 'Slug/Bleak', a burst laden with more tub twats, ascensions, triangle anarchy and one last thriving thrust that vibrated not only the few onlookers souls but the veritable rectum of the whole gaff - ouch. And then we were done!

A short but well timed and thoroughly compacted set and one worth the effort of me and my good lady. It was a crash, bang, wallop affair and cemented the belief that a recent viewing was spot on and that the forthcoming booking on a Fungalised show is a wise move. I like this lot, I plan to help them along and spread their infectious spores - the formula is simple - decent people get decent responses and if they make good vibes this Fungal underdog will try his best in the limited time he has.  My wife has one point to make ‘There are not enough triangles in punk’ – she is a wise lass, think on noise makers!